About Us
The Handy Cupboard is a small woman-owned business in West Virginia that provides useful, unique, and fun kitchen/pantry items that also contributes to helping fight against world hunger.
Misson: The overall mission of The Handy Cupboard apart from providing quality kitchen/pantry products is to contribute to society by donating and volunteering for charities involving food and hunger issues, globally and domestically. For every purchase a person makes, a portion of the purchase goes towards one of three charities that are involved in combating the earth's food and hunger problems in some way. More information about each charity and how we help is on our "combating hunger" page:
How it started:
The Handy Cupboard was started in early 2020 after the owner (Jen) gave birth and quit her regular job as a local police officer to take care of her premature son. During the four months her son was in the NICU, Jen developed plans for a new career path that allowed her to do something she enjoyed (wood burning) while also having the freedom of working from home allowing her to care her child. With her wood burning talent, her love for food, and her friend's pottery skills, The Handy Cupboard was formed with the purpose to provide useful, unique, and fun kitchen items that help make people's lives a little easier in the kitchen.
After creating the handmade products, Jen also wanted to provide useful pantry foods. Useful either in the form of long term storage or healthy. Jen wanted to supply healthy pantry foods since during her complicated twin pregnancy where she was put on a high protein diet, Jen was trying to find ways to increase her protein intake without just eating meats since it made her nauseous and that started the plant based diet journey. The health benefits in just the increased energy levels alone was enough to motivate Jen to try and expose others to it. As for the long term foods, also known as emergency food supplies, well that pretty much explains itself. After 2020, almost everyone has been in a situation where they were either stuck at home for a while or had to leave unexpectedly and didn't have access to food. The long term supply is meant to help relieve the stress of at least knowing you'll be eating something no matter the situation.
Overall, Jen wanted to start this company for three reasons: 1. To provide unique handmade kitchen tools made by herself or her friend (or other local artisans) 2. To contribute to society and the community by donating profits and volunteering. 3. Exposing her community to an array of pantry foods: plant-based and emergency food supplies.
If you have any questions about The Handy Cupboard please don't hesitate to email us at thehandycupboard@gmail.com.
Thank you!